Does Mental Health Affect our Dreams?

By Rayan Warsama Dreams are a worldwide human experience that can be described as a state of consciousness portrayed by sensory, imaginative and emotional occurrences during sleep. Dreams represent a collection of thoughts, emotions, struggles, events, people or places that are relevant to the person in some way.  Why do we dream?  One widely held […]

Is Citizen Journalism more Effective than Traditional Journalism?

By Lily Young In today’s society, devices and technology play a major role, not just in our lives at home (according to Federica Laricchia Statista, in 2020, the average person in Britain had access to nine or more connected devices), but in our lives at work as well. Now, it is almost impossible to find […]

Bed Bugs Bite Back

By Lara Ward Many of us know that bed bugs have become a huge problem in France, particularly in Paris; where there have been a vast number of sightings of these insects in homes, cinemas, public transport and even hospitals. Bed bugs are brownish-red bugs which are famous for living in beds and sucking on […]

Clampdown on Hair Styles in Schools Raises Concerns About Diversity

By Esinam Asima Last year, The Guardian published an article stating that some schools in the United Kingdom still do not allow kids to wear their natural hair to school, resulting in students being sent home for wearing natural afro styles, braids, cornrows, and plaits. The topic sparked debate in homes and schools around the […]

The Brussel’s Shooting: Should Death be a Punishment?

Giorgia Carraretto On the evening of Monday 16 October, a forty five-year old man, named Abdesalem shot two Swedish men in Brussels on the Boulevard d’Ypres. The double-shooting took place 5km from the Brussel’s stadium, where Belgium was playing Sweden in order to qualify for the football European Championships 2024. Abdesalem cornered people in an […]

Year 11 Trip to The Imperial War Museum

By Eve Ward and Iris Campbell On Tuesday the 10th of October, the Year 11 History students travelled to the Imperial War Museum on a trip, studying the Holocaust within the Germany Depth Study. This included an in-depth look around the fairly new Holocaust exhibition, and some time to ourselves at the end to discover […]

Mount Vesuvius and Its Next Eruption

By Yara Aburaya Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano located above the bay of Naples in Southern Italy. Some consider the volcano to be a super volcano because of its massive size: 4,203 feet (1,281 metres). It is because of its massive size that people are afraid of it.  How do we know if it […]

Tyla Enters Billboard In The Hot 100 With Her Debut Song

By Shibani Clington Fernando South Africa’s new music sensation, Tyla, has created a momentous debut with her song, Water. The twenty-one-year-old woman is the youngest ever to be included in the billboard. Her solo song is the first South African musician to be included in the billboard since the sensational music in the song Grazing […]

Sunak’s Conservative Party Comments Cause Debate on Gender Identity

By Sofia Diaz Lasting over an hour long, Rishi Sunak addressed the nation, highlighting key topics from the halt of HS2 leg to Manchester, to a gradual ban on smoking to boon the NHS and even the aim for abandonment of A- and T- levels. Despite these debatable proposals, a subject that caused widespread discourse […]

Autumn Activities for Half Term

By Lara Clark As the October half term is coming soon, most students will soon either find themselves with a lot of free time which is useful to unwind from the pressures of school, normally during this free time Students start to find themselves bored and lying in bed aimlessly for hours on end and […]