Captured in Poetry

By Layla Baboli

One may read a poem because it sounds beautiful and poetic but one may not understand its reason, but words and phrases must have caught their attention if they chose to read a poem in particular. GCSE students, of course, analyse poems that have been written because they were told to do so in a lesson; however, these poems have effects on people, change perspectives, and even make a person realise how easy they have it. 

In the classroom, students approach poetry with obligation, going through verses because of courses and school work. Through analysis, they often discover the meaning and the beauty of language. Analysing a poem can be like unravelling a mystery, each metaphor and simile a clue to the poet’s objective. 

A poet’s journey is deeply personal yet can be relatable. Each verse they write can reflect their innermost thoughts or mirror the society they see. They draw inspiration from the ordinary and extraordinary things in life, from the whispers of nature to the roar of human conflict. The rhythm of a poem can capture the essence of brief moments or truths. 

Poetry has the power to transcend time and space, connecting readers across generations and cultures. A single line can recall a range of emotions, from joy to sorrow, from love to despair. The beauty of poetry lies in its ability to convey ideas and emotions briefly, allowing readers to find their own meanings between the lines. 

For many, a poem can be a revelation, a moment of clarity amongst the chaos of life. In times of confusion, poetry can provide comfort. In moments of celebration, it can elevate the spirit, capturing the essence of joy and happiness. 

What inspires a poet to write poetry? Anything and everything can be a poet’s muse. It could be something they are attached to, or it could be something they have just encountered once in their lifetime. One person’s muse might not be another’s muse, but they all intend to do the same thing: write. 

No two poems are the same; they all have their own story to tell. There are 168 poetic forms of poetry which have expanded from 50 to 86 to 100 and now 168, and there are more genres, objects, life experiences, and people who inspire these creative minds.  

Ultimately, poetry is a testament to the human spirit, a journal of our experiences and individual journeys. It reminds us of our shared humanity, and our quests for meaning. Whether being captured by a seasoned poet or an emerging poetic or voice, each poem contributes to the rich culture of literature. 

Posted in Arts & Culture, Featured, News.