Coldplay Tickets – a Modern Odyssey?

By Isabella Gallagher Rattan Didn’t get Coldplay tickets? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, as thousands of people lost out on the so-called ‘Ticketmaster War’ to get tickets to the internationally famous band.  Tickets sold out in record time last Friday and Thursday, with fans reporting that pre-sale was sold out in just 20 minutes. Whilst […]

Trump V Harris – Debating or Bickering?

By Isabella Gallagher-Rattan Last night, thousands tuned into the highly-anticipated presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, the presidential candidates for the 2024 elections in the USA. But who emerged triumphant and won? That answer depends on who you ask, with Trump’s administration claiming he defeated his opponent, but Harris’ administration claiming she won. […]